Animal Medical Center

101 Progress Road
Gloversville, NY 12078


Our Senior Wellness Program


With technical advances in veterinary medicine, and regular visits to the veterinarian, our pets are living longer than ever before. The age at which your pet becomes a senior will vary. In general large dogs begin aging earlier than small dogs. Very large breeds are considered seniors as early as 5-6 years of age, while small-medium size dogs and most cats reach senior status at approximately 7-8 yrs of age. Dog and cats age at a much faster rate than humans do. An elderly pet ages at least 4 human years every 12 months. As a result, age related illnesses progress at a much faster rate.

As dogs and cats get older, their organs and immune systems don't function as efficiently as they did when they were younger. They face many of the same health problems that humans develop as they age: arthritis, diabetes, kidney and liver dysfunction, heart and lung problems, cancer and decreasing brain function. They may experience behavioral changes, such as decreased physical activity, less interaction with family members, confusion or disorientation, and changes in sleeping patterns, or changes in food or water consumption. Many of these health problems and behavioral changes can be prevented or treated. A preventative approach to senior health care can help your pet live a longer, healthier life, and increase the amount of quality time you get to spend with your companion. 

In addition to annual physical exams, we recommend a CBC and Chemistry profile and a first morning urine sample for pets over 7 years of age. This panel includes over 40 different tests, including, liver, kidney, pancreas, and thyroid function, as well as electrolytes and a complete blood count (this checks red blood cells and white blood cells). In addition to blood testing we also recommend testing a first morning urine sample and fecal sample. These tests can help to detect many underlying problems. The earlier problems are detected the easier they are to treat.

Should you want to do this, your pet(s) would need to be fasted (Which means no food for 6-8hrs but all the water they want to drink is fine.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask one of our members.